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1.What kind of life insurance is this?

Whole Life Insurance from a Mutual Insurance Company.  Mutual Insurance is owned by the policy owners and pays dividends based on profits(i.e. Return of Premium).

Stock companies are owned by shareholders who receive corporate profits – No dividends paid to policy owners.

2. What’s difference between Base Premium & Extra Cash

Video? – Crop Land vs Crop seed analogy

Land=Base Premium, Seed=Extra cash, Which is worth more? LAND! But a farmer needs both. 

3. Why is this (The Infinite Banking Concept, IBC) better than conventional banking?

Becoming your own banker does not involve any risk or require any sweat equity.  It’s simply changing the direction of your cash flow.  Instead of paying a bank interest, you’re paying yourself interest.

Life Insurance is the tool because of it’s guaranteed growth, liquidity, & tax advantages. Banks are the world’s largest purchasers of Life Insurance! Mutual Life Insurance is safe because it is the only institution in the world(that I know of) based on Austrian economics.  $1 protects $1. Fractional banking allows American banks to lend $10 (up to $32) for every $1 deposited. Become your own banker and keep your money safe & in the family- Guaranteed!

4. How do I get started?

Ask a LivingWealth agent to schedule a free physical exam near you! Then we’ll design and help implement your own banking system! Our financial GPS services are completely free of charge. 

5. Why haven’t I heard of this?

How many Life Insurance agents have you talked to?